Situation in Nordirland von ???

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Hier ist ein Song, das zur Problematik der Segregation und der Diskrimminierung (Stichwort "gerrymandering") hinführt. Der Song stellt das Ende einer ersten Phase des Nordirlandkonflikts dar. Mit den Demonstrationen in Derry, die blutig beendet wurden, begann der Protest auf einem anderen Level.

Möglicher Arbeitsauftrag:

  • Warum kam es zu Protesten seitens der katholischen Iren in Nord Irland? Findet Informationen über die Ursachen und Konflikte, die hinter diesem Protesten standen und stellt sie in Form einer Zeitleiste dar.




Come on out ye British Huns come on out without your guns
Show us how you won your medals up in Derry
When you murdered fourteen men and you'd do the same again
Get on out of here and take your English border

In the summer of '69 with your smiling face you came
To show us all your pacifying tactics
But your true face soon came through and your flag red, white and blue
Showed us all the Black and Tans were back in Ireland


Of your fist we've had our fill and we know you always will
For excuses for the murdering of Irish men
But we'll fight for a proud land till in unity we stand
And from England we'll shift our lovely island


Sure at your trial at Coleraine sure we knew you weren't to blame
And likewise neither were the Huns of Hitler
But don't you fret for those you slew for your judge was British too
And we all know the English are impartial

Chorus (x2)