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Zeile 2: Zeile 2:

*Hochgeladen von machree01 am 17.05.2008


'''The Great Hunger'''
The Great Hunger
by John Gibbs
''by John Gibbs''

In 1845
In 1845
The blight came tearing at potato fields
The blight came tearing at potato fields
Black as night potatoes withered
Black as night potatoes withered
Dying never more to yield
Dying never more to yield
Confiscated wheat and barley
Confiscated wheat and barley
Left the shore to cross the sea
Left the shore to cross the sea
Leaving nothing for the people
Leaving nothing for the people
But tides of pain and misery.
But tides of pain and misery.

In 1846
In 1846
Oppression flooded right across the land
Oppression flooded right across the land
Sweeping poverty the tyrant
Sweeping poverty the tyrant
Crushing with his ruling hand
Crushing with his ruling hand
Those who could not pay evicted
Those who could not pay evicted
Thrown out, to the ways and lanes
Thrown out, to the ways and lanes
Hunger like a river flowing
Hunger like a river flowing
Through the valleys and the plains.
Through the valleys and the plains.

In early 1847
In early 1847
Coffin boats they start to sail
Coffin boats they start to sail
Leaving Sligo overcrowded
Leaving Sligo overcrowded
Destined for America
Destined for America
Destitute they left the mainland
Destitute they left the mainland
Dreaming of their destiny
Dreaming of their destiny
Many of them died like vermin
Many of them died like vermin
Buried in the deep cold sea.
Buried in the deep cold sea.

In 1848
In 1848
The sky was blacker than was ever seen
The sky was blacker than was ever seen
Hanging low above the country
Hanging low above the country
Dealing out her blackest queen
Dealing out her blackest queen
Food was plenty for the gentry
Food was plenty for the gentry
Fever raging through the fold
Fever raging through the fold
Hoping that the coming winter
Hoping that the coming winter
Burn the demon from the ground.
Burn the demon from the ground.

In 1849
In 1849
More than two million people dead or gone
More than two million people dead or gone
Diseased and starving homeless people
Diseased and starving homeless people
Doing their best to carry on
Doing their best to carry on
Voices calling through the country
Voices calling through the country
Come and change your destiny
Come and change your destiny
Dreaming of the flower so pretty
Dreaming of the flower so pretty
The purple white on fields of green.
The purple white on fields of green.


1. Hört euch das [[Das Lied|Lied]] an. Lest euch dann anschließend den Songtext durch und schreibt eurer Meinung nach wichtige Informationen heraus.
2. Schaut euch die Textquellen an und fasst sie in groben Stichpunkten zusammen.
3. Findet Informationen zur großen Hungersnot und das Eingreifen der Engländer.

4. Was für Folgen hatte die Hungersnot  in Irland?

[ Planet Wissen]
[ Schwarz auf Weiß]
[ Irlandfan]
[ Irlandbilder]

Zeile 132: Zeile 73:

1. Ihr habt nun viele Informationen zu eurem Thema gesammelt. Stellt mit Hilfe einer [ Zeittafel] euren geschichtlichen Abschnitt dar. Dieser wird mit den Ergebnissen der anderen Gruppen zusammengeführt, sodass ein Überblick der gesamten Geschichte Irlands entsteht.
2. Schreibt einen Dialog zwischen Iren und Engländern und präsentiert ihn als Rollenspiel. Die Ausgangsituation und ob es in der heutigen Zeit oder früher spielt, ist euch freigestellt.

Zeile 141: Zeile 78:

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*Reflextiere deine Arbeitsschritte wöchentlich auf deinem persönlichen Mahara-Profil.

*Deine Reflexion sollte nur für dich und dem Lehrenden zugänglich sein.
*Deine Reflextion sollte nur für dich und dem Lehrenden zugänglich sein.

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*Beschreibe deine Gedankengängen und Gefühle auf.  

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